Platfform Haf // Summer Platform🚆🌿🛤️🎨💫

A bursary-funded programme for YP aged 18-25 on themes of climate change, collective making, hope and power 

Role: Creative Development, Project Manager // Dates: Spring - Autumn 2022

Funded by: Arts Council of Wales, Esmee Fairbairn Foundation

Platfform Haf // Summer Platform was a five-day creative programme for young people working with artists and collaborators, and Peak Cymru during the summer of 2022, exploring themes of climate change, power, collective making and hope, on Platfform 2 Abergavenny Train Station.

Rhaglen greadigol dros bum diwrnod yn ystod haf 2022 oedd Platfform Haf lle’r oedd pobl ifanc yn gweithio gydag artistiaid a chydweithredwyr, a Peak Cymru, i archwilio themâu’n ymwneud â newid hinsawdd, grym, creu casglebau a gobaith, ar Blatfform 2, Gorsaf Drenau’r Fenni.

For a week at the beginning of July 2022, we brought together a group of 8 people aged 18-25 to gather at Platfform 2 to make, share, listen and imagine through a programme of creative workshops, walks, talks and visits. They worked alongside an inspiring group of artists and other collaborators, with project spaces at Abergavenny Train Station as our base for the week. Each young person received a bursary of £300 to cover travel, materials, childcare etc. and we provided shard  lunches each day.

This programme was an opportunity to creatively explore themes of climate change, hope, power and collective making. Working with artists and other collaborators, we learnt new skills and built on existing ones, developed new friendships and networks, and worked together through making. Throughout the week, we held one-to-one mentoring opportunities tailored to the groups individual interests. Artists on the programme: Rory Pilgrim, Taylor Edmonds, Durre Shahwar, Jess Tanner, Angela YT Chan, Sion Marshall-Waters, Gwenllian Spink, Cerys Scorey, Heledd C Evans.The group hosted a pop-up exhibition of their work on the last day, engaging with commuters, passengers and staff.

Daethom â grŵp o 8 o bobl ifanc rhwng 18 a 25 oed at ei gilydd ar Blatfform 2 am wythnos yn ystod haf 2022 i greu, rhannu, gwrando a dychmygu drwy gyfrwng gweithdai creadigol, teithiau cerdded, sgyrsiau ac ymweliadau. Buont yn gweithio ochr yn ochr â grŵp ysbrydoledig o artistiaid a chydweithredwyr eraill, gyda gofodau prosiect yng Ngorsaf Drenau’r Fenni yn ganolfan i ni am yr wythnos.

Roedd y rhaglen yma’n gyfle i archwilio themâu yn greadigol, fel newid hinsawdd, gobaith, grym a chreu casglebau. Gan weithio gydag artistiaid a chydweithredwyr eraill, buom yn dysgu a datblygu sgiliau, yn datblygu cyfeillgarwch a rhwydweithiau, ac yn cydweithio drwy greu. Drwy gydol yr wythnos, roeddem yn cynnal cyfleoedd mentora un-i-un oedd yn addas i ddiddordebau unigol y grŵp.

Roedd Platfform Haf ar agor i unrhyw un rhwng 18 a 25 oed sy’n byw o fewn awr i’r Fenni.

Not only did I learn more about climate through the lens of arts practice - the geology talk with the National Parks’ geologist Alan Bowring was inspirational. He brought us all a gift from deep time, and talked us through where we were standing and the different stages of time.

Descending the Runway - National Maritime Takeover