'After losing touch with my Indian heritage, this collective was the perfect opportunity to relearn the culture of my  ancestors.'- YP

Descending the Runway was a Youth Collective evening takeover event. The ‘Gen Z’ collective took over the National Maritime Museum, exploring culture, identity and heritage through the lens of fashion. There was an evening of artist workshops, fashion tarot, body art, henna, rap, Chinese Opera, Bamboo flute, competitions, alternative tours of the collections, free street food and a multicultural red carpet fashion show. Everything on the evening was free. The Youth Collective planned and produced the event as a group over a series of months - working across museum departments learning skills in marketing, events production, design, AV, catering, visitor experience and more. They had complete ownership of the event - from research, event conception through to production, and were paid to participate.

Descending the Runway - Museum late💃📸🥻🎹💡🎵

Youth Collective and Museum ‘late’ Royal Museums Greenwich - National Maritime Museum

Role: Project Manager //  Dates: Spring - Autumn 2022 

Funded by: Charlton Athletic Community Trust, Greenwich Council, Windrush Fund

 We quickly realised when we first met as a group, although we had similarities - our life experiences and cultures were so different. We wanted to host an event that spoke to this, a place to bring together multitudes of culture. - YP

 ‘As a first generation Nigerian myself, finding different ways to explore and understand my culture has been an interesting experience.' - YP

"There should be more events like this - bringing together a multitude of cultures under one roof"

After being on the youth collective, my confidence has multiplied by 100!!


"There should be more events like this - bringing together a multitude of cultures under one roof" After being on the youth collective, my confidence has multiplied by 100!! 〰️


Platfform Haf - Peak Cymru x Transport for Wales


RETHINK Residency: National Maritime Museum